
Attack on Titan 2 Success Become Game With Port Quality Best PC Version Koei Tecmo

The release of Dynasty Warriors 9 which received a negative response due to the messy port quality did make Koei Tecmo lose a bit of trust from the fans. But that does not mean this developer can not prove its consistency because in addition to announcing the latest series of Warriors Orochi 4, they also just released Attack on Titan 2 which was greeted with enthusiasm as well as a sense of worry.

If you are one of those who are worried about the quality of PC version port this time it seems to be able to breathe, because Attack on Titan 2 runs perfectly in the PC. Not only does it offer solid performance and stable 60FPS support, it also comes with detailed graphical settings, perfect keyboard and mouse support, and clear control indicators on the HUD display. With all these advantages, your playing experience will certainly not disappoint.

The demands of the PC specification to play it is quite high, but with the quality of this very solid port, it seems you do not have to worry to run it in low-med end class system though. Although many gamers got shocked because Attack on Titan 2 priced at a high price of IDR 831.000, at least this time the quality is worth the expectations. The proof itself you can see from hundreds of gamers in Steam who provide positive reviews.

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