
[REVIEW] Ring of Elysium, Futuristic Friendly Battle Royale for Beginners

Later genre Battle Royale is being loved by gamers. Not only for PC only, this game even also attacked the Android smartphone platform and also IOS. Seen how battle royale games emerge, starting from PUBG, now appears various games such as PUBG Mobile for Android, Rules of Survival, Fortnite, and so forth.

Not to be outdone, Garena also released a new Battle Royale game for PC. Yesterday Garena has released Free Fire Battlegrounds for mobile, and this time there is another Battle Royale game for PC named Ring of Elysium (RoE). Incidentally, DG editorial team got a chance to try this game first in the phase close beta. Curious how we think about this game? Check out the following reviews!

Ring of Elysium, Futuristic Style Battle Royale

[REVIEW] Ring of Elysium, Battle Royale Futuristik yang Ramah untuk Pemula

Of so many battle royale games available, Ring of Elysium may be practically just another kind of PUBG game. Unlike Fortnite is more absurd because it can make weird buildings, Ring of Elysium is just a regular battle royale game with rules and gameplay that is not too much different from other battle royale game.

If the graphics, Ring of Elysium arguably has a graphic style that tend to be different from PUBG. So it's rather difficult to compare which one is better. PUBG may be good with realistic styles and depictions of the world that tend to be more gloomy, while RoE's own graphics are pretty good too with futuristic styles and a brighter world portrayal.

In essence, RoE graphics are good, it's just maybe not in accordance with the tastes of some people. Unfortunately, this nice graphic is not accompanied by a flexible animation in the game. RoE animations tend to be too rigid for anything. One of the most noticeable is when you will shoot by using ADS or other scope shooting.

[REVIEW] Ring of Elysium, Battle Royale Futuristik yang Ramah untuk Pemula

In addition to that, other animations such as when vaulting climbing walls, opening doors, or animation from self to squat all also seem stiff. Although not pursuing realistic elements, but cannot be denied this rigid animation spelled less spoil the eye, especially for those of you who may have been accustomed to playing PUBG.

In addition, behind the graphics are spelled out okay, and animations that tend to be rigid, Ring of Elysium is also fairly heavy. We tried to play RoE on the PC of today's standard specifications, and the resulting FPS did not stuck at 60. Well, maybe because it's still in beta close stage, so optimization is still not maximized. Hopefully later when this game goes into the phase of open beta or beta phase is completed, his game could be lighter again with various optimizations are done.

Friendly Battle Royale For Beginners

[REVIEW] Ring of Elysium, Battle Royale Futuristik yang Ramah untuk Pemula

Turning to the matter of gameplay, Ring of Elysium have a game mechanism that is not much different from most games battle royale. You leave from an airplane, jump in, find a loot, then be the last to survive, while following the circle of the game. But the one that makes this Ring of Elysium different is the in-game environment that is more varied.

In the fight, it could suddenly become rain, or so the night, or so windy, that will impact the sound effects. The sound of nature is a bit much of course will affect your game because the sound of a step or shot a little more vague, especially when it's raining.

Then Ring of Elysium is also said to bring interactive environmental features. You can tear down a part of the building if it is fired upon. The lights can be shot so that things get dark. While there are, as long as the DG editorial team tries this game, we still have not found that interactive interlink.

Carrying more arcade gameplay, playing Ring of Elysium is somewhat easier to learn at the beginning and more friendly for beginners. All the loot here is given a big arrow, so it can be seen by you. Opens the door faster without animation, and the looting process is faster with short animations.

At the time of shoot, in addition to assisted by your voice also assisted through several aspects. When you get shot, you are also given visual help to know where the shot is coming from. When shooting and shooting, your bullet line is also visible. Then there is also a visual indicator in crosshair, if your shot is about the enemy. Just for you newcomers in the world of battle royale games, all the visual aid will certainly feel very fun and make you can learn faster or more focus on the fight.

From the matter of gameplay is only one shortage of Ring of Elysium, which is the absence of lean feature to peek while shooting. But again, this feature may be deliberately omitted to make RoE more friendly to newcomers to the game world of battle royale. How, easier is not it? But, easier to learn does not mean easy also to master.

Casual Gameplay with Realistic Audio Quality!

[REVIEW] Ring of Elysium, Battle Royale Futuristik yang Ramah untuk Pemula

In addition to graphics and gameplay, the matter of sound effects seems to be another important element to be discussed in the game battle royale; because if worked out badly, and have a bad sound effect, is guaranteed to make the players difficult to find the direction of the enemy's arrival.

Then how the Ring of Elysium sound effect itself? DG Editor team can say that the audio quality in this game! Although the gameplay tend to be casual or arcade, but the sound effects in the Ring of Elysium is not less realistic. Any sound division from left, right, center, front or back can be clearly differentiated.

So when there is a sound from the left, you will hear it from your left headset. If from the right, the sound comes from the right headset. The sound from the center of the front will sound the heads of the heads aloud. The sound from the center of the back will sound both headsets but a little more slowly and slightly echoed.

The point is, in the Ring of Elysium you can still guess the direction of the enemy coming with only your ears capital, thanks to the presentation of a good audio system by the developer.


It's a bit difficult to conclude whether the Ring of Elysium is really good, very ordinary, or even ugly. Maybe 7/10 score can be spelled out to be a suitable score for this game. But in essence, for you who are still new to try to play the game Battle Royale, RoE is the most appropriate choice. More casual gameplay plus visual indicator help will help you adapt more easily.

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