
Some Problems and Bugs After the Update 5v5 Vainglory 3.1

A few days ago Vainglory launched its latest update 3.1, in patch 3.1 there are some additions and changes as new skins and Tony's new hero are added, this update also resets season rank and 5v5 Add-ons.

However, because the 5v5 rank system has just been implemented so there are some obstacles experienced by the players regarding this 3.1 update. Especially in the placement of players tier, rank point calculation, black screen while playing and some other problems.

Parties Vainglory itself also provides appropriate responses and solutions to any problems experienced by the players through facebook official.

Here are some of the problems players have experienced and responses from Vainglory:

Old matchmaking time.

We got reports that players have long matchmaking time. This is the metric we're looking at. Precisely, we find that because party rules, especially full parties, will experience long queue time.

Can not play 5V5 Play with your friends who usually play 3V3 with you.

It is true that in 5V5, we still apply party rules no more than 1 Tier. As part of the 5V5 seasonal reset and 5V5 seeding seeds, it is likely that your tier will be much different from your friends, compared to 3V3. We are still observing the continuation of this situation, but we are confident that as the season progresses, it will be normal again as you will approach your real original.

In addition, as described above, the first 30 games provide a larger revenue/reduction, so players with similar Tier Skills with friends who have played 25 matches, compared to newly-played 1-matches will see a difference in the Tier Skill . We hope this will improve during the spring run.

Experiencing black screen with "..." when trying to play 5V5 Theme

This problem is caused by us who do not recognize players who are not eligible to play 5V5 Maps; namely 14 heroes and Level 10. This means for players who have not met the requirements, can enter the 5V5 area of the Road that they should not be able to access. Therefore, the area can not work and the player has a black screen with three dots "...". This has been fixed in the hotfix 3.1.1 client and the unqualified player must now qualify before it can play 5V5.

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