5 Strong Heroes Mobile Legends That Are Used by Jess No Limit
You uys must have a hero of their own right, which you often use for push rank or just for fun. Well talking about the hero pledge, it turns out a pro player also has a hero mainstay that they use if it is facing a difficult opponent, now we will discuss five heroes Jess No Limit mainstay!
Talking about this pro Mobile Legends is indeed endless, players who are not bald yet again is still up to now defend Evos Esports. Got interviewed by the GGWP.id team on MPL Indonesia's press conference play season 1 some time ago, Jess No Limit shared some tips and revealed five hero champion.
1. Gusion

The first hero to be the hero of Jess No Limit is a ninja or assassin hero who is similar to Minato Namikaze in terms of skill, he is Gusion. This one new hero is recognized by Justin greeting from Jess No Limit, as the most broken hero assassin for the current patch.
Because Justin is also a player who has role assassin in Evos team. Justin himself admitted, somewhat overwhelmed to counter this one hero. So do not be surprised if this hero into the list hero mainstay.
Playing this one hero is somewhat difficult because you have to understand very well about timings when to go and when to back off. So the author suggestions for you who want to use this hero, you have to practice a lot in classic match before using it in ranked match.
2. Fanny

The second hero who became the hero of Jess No Limit is none other than the hero who drove him into and ranked one of the top global players. Fanny is a loyal hero who is still faithful to accompany Jess No Limit when she does push rank or play in the tournament.
Playing hero this one is also fairly difficult, especially if your response is a little slow. Because playing Fanny requires accuracy and speed, so you do not just fire the steel cable to go ahead hit the opponent.
3. Helcurt

Furthermore, from five list of heroes mainstay, Jess No Limit is still from among hero assassin. Helcurt the Shadowbringer is also a favorite hero from Justin. Although rarely used in pro circuit, Helcurt is still considered dangerous and has good combat potential.
Losing prestige with heroes like Saber, Hayabusa, and Lancelot did not make the weak hero's heel in the eyes of Jess No Limit. Precisely he assumes, with a hero that is rarely picked at the time of the tournament, he can surprise any of his opponents.
4. Lancelot

Now the fourth hero from the ranks of five heroes Jess No Limit mainstay is sure you all like and often use it. Hero favorite and hero mainstay of a million people. Who else if not Lancelot. Hero assassin is calculated easy to use this, it is still a mainstay Justin in every game.
Playing Lancelot is not as difficult as imagined, it is even more difficult to play Helcurt or Fanny. Lancelot has a skill that can finish minions and creep forest quickly, therefore you only need to do farming and out war when it already has three or four gear cores.
5. Harley

Who says Jess No Limit just good at hero assassin, it turns out according to the recognition of a familiar youth in this balding sapa he claimed to be able to play reliably all the heroes in Mobile Legends.
Therefore her fifth hero Jess No Limit comes from the ranks of hero mage, she is Harley. Yup you ga read it wrong, Harley was a hero Jess No Limit mainstay. He thinks Harley is also a hero assassin because it has the same agility and damage as the hero assassin.
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