
Mobile Legends Guide: How to Communicate Effectively in The Game

Unlike other esports that use PCs or consoles as the main platform, Mobile Legends uses smart devices aka smartphones. That means Mobile Legends have different ways of communicating because of the limitations of media size and delivery methods.

Imagine, to write a simple sentence such as miss or tell a strategy only, we have to open a chat box that will distract and eliminate control. Though communication is an important element in a team-based competitive game.

Moonton actually provides many features that are quite helpful to handle this problem. Unfortunately, these features are sometimes underused and that is why we discuss them in this guide.

1. Voice Chat

Mobile Legends actually features a voice chat with an open system ( open mic ) that can be used to communicate with teammates. It does not feel good to talk to strangers. But if you are in high rank there is no harm in using voice chat .

To activate voice chat feature you just have to press the voice chat button located next to the mini map . After you activate this feature, you can instantly hear all the conversations teammates who also participate activating this feature.

2. Ping

Ping in Mobile Legends can be done very easily. The trick is that you can press the ping button under the mini map.

When the ping button is pressed mini map will enlarge and you can put the ping anywhere. In some conditions ping will provide specific information. For example, when you perform a ping on the turret team you will be beckoned defense turret that.

This ping can be used to mark or instant gestures on teammates. Unfortunately, ping also has limits. For example if you ping the Lord, you will signal Lord's attack . Though you could have ordered not to attack Lord for one or two reasons.

3. Auto Chat

Because ping has limits, Moonton provides other options in the form of Auto Chat that can be set in the Prep (Preparation) section. Auto Chat feature is divided into three categories Defend, Attack, and Communicate.

The Defend section is filled with defense-oriented cues like Defend the High Ground, Need Assistance, and more. Meanwhile, the Attack section is filled with offense -oriented cues like Gather and Gank, Attack the Turtle and more.

For the Communicate section this section is filled with a variety of basic communication-oriented gestures so you can say hello, apologize, or praise your friends. This section is the most basic gesture, but it must be entered into Auto Chat option. Because there is no harm in you apologizing or praising your friends when they do something very good.

4. Chat Manual

This method is the most standard and difficult to use. To use chat you can press the word bubble icon in Auto Chat.

This manual chat will take the whole screen and stop the outgoing sound. In essence you can not use this feature often because it will interfere with the game and this is what causes us to finally make this guide.

5. Three Main Chat Buttons

In addition to manual and automatic chat , Moonton also provides one more option for gesture or command affairs. The selection is available at the top of the manual chat . This gesture is very simple but it is most often out and used. They are Attack, Retreat, and Backup.

This basic gesture when combined with the circumstances surrounding or ping , can be a simple communication that is global. For example, you could ping your friend and then press the retreat button to tell them to back off.

In essence these three commands or cues are quite easy to use and a bit abstract therefore they have a very broad interpretation and sometimes miss .

Optimal Settings for Communication

With so many options for communication within the team, you have to think about which method is the most optimal.

Our advice, you should use voice chat when it is needed, especially when you play in high rank . You can invite other team members to turn this feature on for optimal. If only three people activate this feature, you can be sure your team has three players who can do a little better coordination than the opposing team.

If voice chat is not a viable option, then you should optimize the use of auto chat . The choice of auto chat you have to compile as well as possible. Auto chat . Like "Enemy Missing in Action" you must include, as well as a chat "Do not Attack the Lord."

In the meantime, you can also put other gestures like Ultimate Ready for characters that need the ultimate when initiating and simple gestures like "Well Done" and "Sorry".

It turns out communicating in Mobile Legends is pretty complicated, especially when you are in a small rank such as Master or Grand Master. One-one you even get semport by the team itself because busy typing in the chat box .

For that, hopefully this guide can help you in communication affairs, so one problem in your team is reduced. Now you are dealing with teammates who may be playing random or chaotic.

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