
8 Best and Strongest Assassins in Mobile Legends

One role that is in Mobile Legends is the "killer."  Role is quite unique because they will be carrying both could scaling of the early game and will be stronger in the late game. The only weakness of this role lies in the durability of those who tend to be small so easily die.

Assassin is not a role that can be mastered easily, because this role is less recommended for newbies who try Mobile Legends. Currently, Mobile Legends has eight hero assassins like Saber, Karina, Fanny, Hayabusa, Natalia, Lancelot, Helcurt, and Gusion.

In this article, we will explain what are the advantages and specifications of every hero assassin in Mobile Legends. Are you ready? We start with Saber first.


Saber is an assassin that has the ability to laning quite safely especially in early games. Saber is heavily dependent on his gear that makes Saber a hero that takes a long time to reach his maximum potential.

Saber is the only assassin that has a disable of immobilizing through the ultimate Triple Sweep skill. Besides Saber also has a passive skill that can reduce the enemy armor up to 35 points so lingering with Saber is a bad decision.

This hero has many active skills with considerable damage , so many of them include Bloodlust Ax as the initial gear to be made. With Bloodlust Ax, Saber can recover a little HP every time his skill is about the enemy.

As an assassin the level of difficulty Saber classified medium so you can try it if you want to learn how to use assassin.


If you need a secure kill while doing a fight team , then Karina is the hero you need. Karina is a hero who can move and finish off the enemy quickly because of the three active skills he has.

With the skill of Elusiveness Karina will move quickly, have immunity for 3 seconds, slow down enemy, and give a critical attack. Besides Karina also has the skill Dance of Death that would cause damage area and ultimate named Shadow Rush will give damage is very big on one target.

Any kill and assists made by Karina will reduce or even eliminate the cooldown skill. This makes Karina a very effective hero to finish off the dying enemy heroes one by one. Karina is a herage assassin mage that is difficult to use. When you use Karina you must often be in the jungle to be able to farming safely, especially for early games.


Fanny is an assassin that has a very high difficulty level. To play it you need a very good reaction and knowledge of terrain first. Such reactions and knowledge are useful for optimizing his Steel Cable skills which will allow Fanny to move very quickly from one point of the map to another.

When enabled Fanny will issue a cable that can be attached to the wall or turret. Fanny can remove two cables at once and create a resilient effect that makes it go very fast. This speed will give an additional Fanny damage of 15 to 30 percent, depending on Fanny's speed when attacking his target.

When flying Fanny can activate Tornado Strike or Cut Throat to inflict damage on the enemy. Even the Tornado Strike skill will be active when Fanny has enough energy to activate the skill and pass near the enemy.

With capitalize very high roaming speed and burst damage is very large, Fanny can spend a jungle monster quickly up to the opponent's jungle.


Hayabusa is a hero assassin that has a fairly high burst damage and excellent escape mechanism through its Quad Shadow skill . Through this skill Hayabusa can move from one shadow to another, enabling her to engage and disengage very quickly. So fast he could just do a dive into the turret without hit at all.

When you become Hayabusa you must be smart to do farming in lane and jungle. If necessary you should be able to farm in jungle enemies and steal all their monsters and buffs. In the early game, Hayabusa will have a slightly slower attack speed than any other assassin so he is more optimal when spamming skill to finish minions or jungle monsters quickly.

Ultimate attack Hayabusa, Ougi: Shadow Strike will divide the attack to all the targets around it so it is less effective. The only way to use Ougi: Shadow Kill effectively is to wait for an opportunity when the enemy is alone or wave first.


Natalia is an assassin whose mastery is similar to Fanny. To use Natalia well you have to memorize where the bush is located in each section of the map. The goal is of course for your passive Assassin Instinct skills to be active and you disappear from the enemy's view.

While in a position to disappear Natalia does not appear in the folder or on the screen. The only marker of Natalia's existence is the appearance of an exclamation mark above the hero indicating that Natalia is quite close to your position. So close that you can not avoid it anymore.

Natalia is the main enemy of the thin-blooded mage. Because he could just sneak into the back of the mage and immediately kill him even though the mage is already guarded by the tanks or fighter. The same can happen to marksmen who are usually in the back line. Durability Natalia is so low that you could be killed with a combo issued by mage who could reply to your attacks.


Among all the assassins we mentioned earlier, Lancelot is the easiest assassin to use. This happens because Lancelot has a lot of escape mechanism so she can escape easily when exposed to gank or when lost duel .

In addition to slick and very agile, Lancelot also has a very large burst damage, especially when reaching the end game. Because it is very difficult to kill and has a very painful skill , Lancelot is usually feared by heroes who have thin to medium durability.

Lancelot has a Thorned Rose skill that will make him disappear from sight and provide cone-shaped damage. When lost Lancelot will be separated from the target skill so often make the mage throw his skill or ultimate in vain.


Helcurt is an assassin that can tame all heroes who rely on skills to produce damage . Some easy examples are, Fanny or Saber.

Thanks to the passive skill of Race Advantage, all the heroes who are near Helcurt can only release one skill before they get hit by silence . The same is true when Helcurt issued a Shadow Raid skill . When the Helcurt landed in the place it was designated through the Shadow Raid skill all enemies around it will also be exposed to silence .

Unfortunately, Helcurt also has its own weakness in the form of a very small durability, so the presence of his fight team can be considered bad if not so badly called.

Helcurt also has the ultimate named Dark Night Falls. When turning this skill the Land of Dawn gets dark and the Helcurt can run and attack quickly. Similar to Hayabusa, this ultimate can be used for engage or disengage very quickly.


Gusion is the latest assassin that Moonton brings to Land of Dawn. Although he is a true assassin Gusion is a mage so he can be made a gear that is somewhat similar to Karina.

All Gusion's skill can be pressed twice to issue further effects. For example, the Sword Spike Gusion will mark the enemy and Gusion will run to the dressed enemy when Sword Spike is pressed once again.

Besides being able to issue further effects, Gusion can also cooldown reset through its ultimate Incandescent. Because this ultimate Gusion can pull out all the skills it has twice as much.

Although it sounds really cool, Gusion is not an easy hero to use because all of its skills can be activated twice. You need practice and habituation over and over again in order to master Gusion perfectly without any skill turning on .

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