
9 Tips Leveling Quickly in Lineage 2

Since its presence in Indonesia some time ago, Lineage2 Revolution became one of the most popular games on Google Playstore and shifted other game rankings. Graphics that are not less cool with PC games (depending on the device used) and interesting gameplay to make anyone can play it, ranging from children, adolescents, even busy adults though.


To strengthen the character, there are several ways that can be done. One is to increase the level so you can raise the skill level that makes your character stronger. In order for your level can increase faster, just see tips on speeding Levelage2 Revolution ala DuniaGames below.

1. Do the Main Quest

The first thing you have to do is run the quest until it stops! Not only give rewards to strengthen your character, playing quests also give you exp in large quantities. Do not be lazy to do it!

2. Complete the Daily Quest

Every day, you can run various daily quests with varying grades, from C to R. If you want your level to increase quickly, never run a grade A quest down! Try to run only quest grade S and R alone, especially if you have more diamonds.

But if you tend to play as free to play player, you do not have to force to do the same. Simply run the quest with a grade of at least A and it is not advisable to reset the quest using Adena because this currency is very difficult to obtain.

3. Complete All Weekly Quest Every Day

In addition to the daily quest, you will also be given a weekly quest where there will be 15 quests to kill different monsters depending on your quest area. Exp is very great if you complete the whole weekly quest every day

4. Work on the Sub Quest Scroll

In addition to all the above quests, you can also run the scroll sub quest every day as much as 5 times. Just like the daily quest, the sub quest scroll also has a variety of grades that can be run. It is advisable to run quests with grade A or more for more exp and Adena.

5. Take the Count Reward Using Diamond

If you have more diamonds, count rewards can you use to get level faster. This reward count is a quest or dungeon that you have not lived the previous day and can be taken using Adena or diamond. It is advisable to use diamonds only if they have enough diamond and do not use Adena.

6. Maximize Hot Time on Elite Dungeon

Every day, you will be given the hot time when entering the elite dungeon for free for 30 minutes. Use that time to kill the monsters there because hot time will give 10 times exp and drop rate. It is also advisable to join in a party that has been crowded so that exp can get even greater.

7. Finish Exp Dungeon 2 Times a Day

If you have finished the quest on a particular chapter, exp dungeon will open. Inside the exp dungeon, you will encounter so many monsters that appear constantly and give the accumulated exp when the dungeon ends. The more you kill the monster, the more exp is earned. If you succeed in reaching SSS rank, you do not need to tire-re-enter again because auto-clear feature can be done to shorten your time to play.

8. Donate Clan and Buy Exp Box

If you have joined in a clan, do not hesitate to donate, either using Adena, Proof of Blood or Red StarStone because you will get a number of clan coins that can be redeemed at clan stores. One that you can buy using a clan coin is an exp box each day that gives a huge amount of exp, which is about 11% of each box! If you buy up to the maximum number of 10 times, then the exp earned your character about 110% alias directly up 1 level. It's easy, right?

9. Take Exp in Reward Recess

It seems almost impossible for players to go online continuously without getting out of the game right? Therefore, there is a reward recess that can help you get exp although it is offline. In reward recess, you can redeem a large number of exp.

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