
Guide and Build Items Angela Mobile Legends: The Master of Pupet

Angela is a very unique Mobile Legends support. Unlike other support that relies on heal potential, Angela is more struggling with stacking , poke , and disable, Heal owned Angela can be considered as an additional bonus, because the potential is not too large and has a number of limitations.

  • Mobility is very good
  • Has crowd control
  • The ultimatum can cause a comeback
  • Stack damage

  • It has no burst damage
  • Very dependent on teammates
  • Durability is very low
  • Skill Set Angela
  • Smart Heart

Whenever Angela uses skill, Angela's speed will increase 15 percent for 4 seconds. This passive effect can be stacked up to 30 percent and influence the person Angela attaches to.

With the existence of Smart Heart skill , Angela so much easier to do stack damage or help his team-mates. The word "plastered" is actually related to his ultimate skill . When moving and sticking to other team members, Angela can still release any skills so that the effect of Smart Heart come active.

Love Waves

Angela issued a crescent-shaped energy attack that would hurt her enemy and give Lover's Mark status. If the enemy is hit by Lover's Mark he will receive an additional damage of 20 percent and a 10 percent reduction in velocity. Lover's Mark can be stacked up to five times and the effect lasts for 4 seconds.

If Love Waves is about a teammate, then he will turn into a heal with a heal capacity that increases with the level.
  • Mana cost : 60/70/80/90/100/110 Mana
  • Heal: 100/115/130/145/160/175
  • Magic damage: 170/200/230/260/290/310
  • Charge: Maksimal 5 charge

Love Waves is a poke of damage from Angela and is a skill that has very good range. Love Waves uses a charge system so you can not spam this skill too often. Fortunately, the charge from Love Waves is affected by the cooldown reduction so you can outsmart it by creating a gear that has a cooldown reduction status to ease the stacking process.

Angela throws her rope dolls towards the target and inflicts damage magic . If for 3 seconds the rope that connects Angela with the doll is not interrupted, the target will receive additional damage and immobilized status for 1.5 seconds. Any Lover's Mark will provide additional damage .
  • Mana cost : 90/100/110/120/130/140 mana
  • Cooldown : 10.5 / 10 / 9,5 / 9 / 8,5 sec
  • Magic damage: 300/330/360/390/420/450 damage
  • Additional Magic damage: 450/495/540/585/630/675 damage

Puppet-on-a-String becomes a disable skill that is easy to use. The need to maintain optimal distance will be very difficult especially when doing team fight . Fortunately, this skill can be used even when Angela attaches to another hero.


Angela moves to hero friends and makes a shield capable of absorbing damage for 3 seconds. After a certain time, Angela will move to Heartguard target for 12 seconds. Angela can get out of her target if she turns her skills once again, or hero targets die.
  • Which cost : 90/100/110 mana
  • Cooldown : 76.4 / 71.6 / 66.8 seconds
  • Shield: 1200/1600/2000 damage

Heartguard can be an ultimate versatile with many functions. Angela can escape with the Heartguard, strengthen the soft heroes or provide damage to the tanks.

This Ultimate will provide many opportunities for beneficial combinations and rescues during proper use. To optimize the use of Heartguard, you should be aware of the overall team condition to avoid either moving or moving at the wrong time so that the edges even lead to defeat.

Angela Battle Spell

As a support , Angela equipped with a high movement speed that does not require Battle Spell Flicker, instead he needed Healing Spell to increase the potential heal she has. One thing to note is, you can not use Battle Spell when switching to your teammates. So you should really consider whether to stay in one hero or out to do a heal using Battle Spell.

Angela Emblem Set

The emblem that can be used by Angela is Custom Support Emblem with talent Healing Hand. This will give shield and buff damage every time Angela gives a shield or heal. If you do not already have a Custom Support Emblem, you can use the Common Magic Emblem with a talent Energy Absorption that will keep Angela sustain on the lane .

Gear Build Angela

Angela has a cooldown quite a long time, for it is some gear included here will reduce the cooldown owned by Angela while adding the effects of slow owned by the skill of her.

Enchanted Talisman
Mana pool Angela fairly normal for the size of support , whereas true Angela needs which is enough to be effective. For that Angela is in need of Enchanted Talisman in the early game .

Regeneration where 10 percent every ten seconds will give you what Angela needs. In addition, this gear already has an initial capital cooldown reduction of 20 percent. You could say Enchanted Talisman is a gear that must be owned by any type of Angela.

Some suggested replacing Enchanted Talisman with Oracle. We do not recommend this because Angela needs less HP in early games and she is not tanky enough to be on the front line continuously.

Magic Shoes
For matters Angela mobility gear has a limited choice. One of the mobility gear that can be made by Angela is Magic Shoes because of the cooldown reduction status .

If you accompany a clever fighter in eliminating opponents, you can try to create a Boot Wizard that will give you 80 gold when performing assits .

Necklace of Durance
Necklace of Durance becomes Angela's third gear . Gear is a gear transition to mid game , so try to have it before you hit a nine.

Necklace of Durance has a cooldown status of five percent, 65 magic power and 300 HP. In addition to these statuses, Necklace of Durance has a Life Drain Unique Passive which will reduce the regeneration effect that is owned by the opponent by 50 percent for 3 seconds.

The reduction is very useful for Angela because she can use her skills for offense or defense at the same time. You could say any hero who relies on HP regeneration will lose its function so easily shutdown .

Ice Queen Wand
Love Waves has a movement speed reduction effect of up to 50 percent when you successfully perform five stacks . Gear Ice Queen Wand will accelerate the slow effect until it only requires three stack only. When used up to five stack , the slow effect that can be inflicted by Angela reaches 80 percent.

Ice Queen Wand is the gear Angela needs to cross to the late game , so make sure you already have this gear before reaching level 12.

Lightning Truncheon
Actually after Ice Queen Wand. Angela does not need any gear . Instead he can increase his potential damage through various gears . One of the gear we recommend is Lightning Truncheon which will give additional damage every 6 seconds once on 3 enemies near Angela.

Blood Wings
This last gear will give Angela HP extra and magic power big enough. When managed to get Blood Wings Angela can be ascertained already reached the late game so that requires a gear that optimizes the damage and heal he has.

Angela Gameplay

Angela is a support that has the ability offensive and defensive as well so that he can be paired with anyone. But of course, Angela can be more optimal when she is paired with heroes who have disable skills from the beginning.

The main requirement of using Angela is always to read the map and see all the potential gang done by your team and the opposing team. You can move to a hero who is doing a gang or is in the gang for their survivability to increase.

There's no definite lane for Angela because she can move around easily. So make sure you always mark first on the one- lane hero with you when you want to move lane using ultimate . The goal is that he is ready to be left alone in the lane that you originally guard two or three.

If your team is depressed in the early game you can do a rotation on the weakest lane . Try to keep them from dying more. Repeat this step until the lane is able to catch up.

The above steps will be troublesome, but your efforts will not be in vain if your team does not make a fatal mistake or die too much.

When you reach the mid game, you will often be involved in many fight teams . Try to jump to a dying hero or initiate in order to provide the protection they need. Do not jump to a hero who is in a position not helped anymore so you do not increase the number of kill the enemy.

Always check on Lord, because the enemy might try to defeat the Lord, especially when your team is dead three or wipe out .

If your team is depressed, you can only make space for carry for farming or stealing a turret . Do not start an unimportant fight team and try to stay alive without being exposed to ambush when providing support or space on _carry.

If it turns out your team managed to hit the enemy from the beginning of the game, in the late game you can be more relaxed. Make sure a heal of friends and enemies and do not forget to move to another hero when team fight .

If the opposite happens or your team is depressed in the late game, then you can repeat the same steps in the mid game , but with more caution again in the late game almost all heroes can kill you easily.

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