Guide and Build Items Jawhead Mobile Legends: A Cute Destroyer
The throwing robot finally joins his colleagues on the real server. Though plotted as a fighter, Jawhead cannot be played in the style of a conventional fighter. You need a lot of knowledge and adjustment to the conditions of battle before finally adept at playing Jawhead. You can say you will always lose when using Jawhead to fight, but otherwise, Jawhead will be very strong if you mess up the enemy formation and do pick on important targets.

- Have a strong passive
- Mobility is very high
- Crowd control is multifunctional
- Natural tank
- Very dependent on the team
- Difficult to use
- Jawhead Skill Set
- Mecha Suppression
Whenever Jawhead inflicts damage to the enemy, he will issue a Compression layer for 3 seconds (maximum 10 stacks). Each of this Compression stack can increase Jawhead's basic attack damage by up to eight percent. With the Mecha Suppression, Jawhead has a fairly high damage. To ensure the enemy gets the Mecha Suppression stack to the maximum, you should be able to survive for as long as possible.
Smart Missile
Jawhead will go into missile launch mode for 5 seconds. All the missiles will be fired randomly up to 12 times. Each missile attack will result in physical damage.
- Where cost : 60/65/70/75/80/85 mana
- Cooldown: 5 seconds
- Physical damage: 80/90/100/110/120/130
Smart Missiles are attacks with random targets that can not be directed. This missile will be very effective if Jawhead duel one on one with his enemy. Because it has no other target, this automatic missile will lock its enemy only. 720 damage in the early game is definitely not good news for Jawhead's enemies.
This skill is one of the damage source from Jawhead and can be used to wave clear . Unfortunately, the effectiveness will continue to hunt with the duration of the match. So make sure you maximize the Smart Missile in the early game, so your potential kill is higher than other heroes.
When activating Ejector, Jawhead will enter throw mode and he will get an additional shield and movement speed. You can hit this skill button again to throw your nearest target to the specified location. The result of the throw will result in physical damage.
- Mana cost : 80/90/100/110/120/130 mana
- Cooldown : 12 / 11,6 / 11,2 / 10,8 / 10.2 / 9,8 sec
- Physical damage: 300/340/380/420/460/500 physical damage
- Shield: 300/300/500/500/600/600 shield
Ejector can be lock skill was good, especially when he collaborated with the heroes who have the skill to damage large and are auto targets like Hayabusa and Eudora. The problem is that Ejector can throw a friend of his own, so you should be careful when using this skill.
Ejector becomes Zhask's main enemy who relies heavily on his Nightmaric. With the Ejector, Jawhead can throw Nightmaric into an unfavorable position during laning and team fight . This makes the Zhask useless and forces the enemy to reset.
Unstoppable Force
Locks one of the enemies in his reach, lunges at him and gives a stun effect and gives physical damage . When the target is hit by Unstoppable Force he will bounce back and if the bounce is about another enemy, he will generate damage .
- Which cost : 120/150/180 mana
- Cooldown : 35/30/25 sec
- Physical damage: 400/550/700 physical damage
Unstoppable Force will be a good initial skill. What Jawhead users need to pay attention to is, this skill has a slight delay (about 1 second) when used. Do not let you bump into the middle of the enemy because of this skill .
Jawhead Battle Spell
Jawhead can increase his kill potential by using Battle Spell Sprint to pursue enemy or Petrify to stop enemy movement for 0.7 seconds.
Jawhead Emblem
For Emblem affairs, Jawhead can take advantage of Custom Fighter Emblems that focus on physical damage and Disabling Strike (level 40). If you do not have a Fighter Emblem, you can use the Common Physical Emblem and use Open Fire (level 30)
Gear Build Jawhead
The jawheads in this guide have a high potential of physical damage and a considerable durability, though not directly comparable to Jawhead that has a full tank build. In addition to potential physical damage Jawhead, we will optimize the affairs of cooldown skills, so it can more often issue the skills it has.
Magic Shoes
It sounds pretty weird seeing Jawhead choose Magic Shoes as a movement gear . But the reduction of the cooldown effect of 10 percent of these shoes is very tempting especially in early games .
Unlike the other heroes, Jawhead had to make shoes from scratch because he had a fairly slow motion speed. Instead, he already has the physical damage required to perform laning easily.
Bloodlust Axe
The second gear to be made by Jawhead is Bloodlust Ax. Again this gear has a cooldown reduction of 10 percent.
In addition to cooldown reduction, Bloodlust Ax also has Unique Passive which will give speel vamp effect as much as 20 percent. Spell vamp is enough synergy with skill-skills owned by Jawhead.
Berserker’s Fury
To increase the damage already owned by Jawhead then there is no harm you add a critical chance. Gear that can be selected Jawhead is Berserker's Fury that adds physical damage , critical chance and critical damage.
Berserk's Fury includes the core gear that must be owned by Jawhead before he crossed into the mid game and participated in every team fight . With this gear , the attacks produced by Jawhead will get sick and touch the number 1000 more.
Jawhead requires Windtalker for faster farming. Through passive skill Typhoon, Jawhead can hit three targets at once for every five basic attacks. The Typhoon Skill from Windtalker can be an additional damage when Jawhead fights with the enemy on the front line, while activating his smart missile .
Besides Typhoon, additional status messages 25 percent of attack speed, movement speed 20, and a 20 percent chance of critical, is a pretty good status for gear in the mid game .
Some people also advise buying two Berserker's Furry to ensure all Jawhead critical attacks. This step is somewhat extreme and reduce a little potential Jawhead to get Unique Passive derived from other gear.
Dominance Ice
Dominance Ice is a Gear that Jawhead must have in the late game . Artic Cloud effects that will slow the movement of the opponent will synergize with his own Smart Missile skill .
With the Dominance Ice, Jawhead will give a very big slow effect on the enemy and that has not been added that comes from the talent Disabling Strike that comes from Custom Fighter Emblem In addition to Unique Passive, Dominance Ice will also give you 500 which means extra HP again for Hylos.
This latter gear is the choice of most tanks and fighter who need a second chance to escape or fight once more. Immortal Resurrection will generate Jawhead once again with 15 percent HP and a shield capable of absorbing 300 to 1000 damage. The Shield will last for three seconds, while the Immortal Resurrection skill has a cooldown of 180 seconds.
Jawhead Gameplay
Jawhead can be in the top or bottom lane when the early game . He will often struggle with the enemy at the front because of his short skill range. Take advantage of this opportunity to throw enemies into your back line so close to the turret .
Ejector Skill has priority of enemy hero so you do not have to worry about throwing when doing this trick . But make sure there are no friends heroes around you so you do not throw your friends back.
While on the lane do not forget to farm to the jungle monsters to accelerate the growth Jawhead. Thanks to the combination of both your skills , the forest monsters will be a simple affair so you do not need a jungle gear or Battle Spell Retribution.
The main ability of Jawhead is to isolate the enemy and inflict as much damage as possible within 5 seconds. To perform this isolation you must combine Ejector, Unstoppable Force, and Smart Missile.
Unstoppable Force can be shifted-slide the order. This skill may be used to initiate or pursue one escaping enemy. Unstoppable Force can be more optimal when used on enemies who are gathered or attached, so befriending the tanks or support that can do disable areas tend to be very profitable.
When you reach the mid game you have to walk more often together with other team members. Your isolation capability remains a major anchor to divide the enemy team. Always look for deadly heroes for teams like marksman or mage and try not to get too much damage .
At the end of the game your function is still the same, but the enemy is likely to kill you quickly without you being able to reply. For that leave the affairs of initiation to other heroes who can scaling better than you. You should be a troop that appears in second or third order to inflict additional damage , isolate or pursue enemy heroes who escape.
If your team is depressed from the beginning, you can only provide more space for the marksman or fighter who needs a farming room . As long as there is no human error in it, you can be sure the space you give will be more than enough to restore the state or make balance.
Whatever you do, you should not die too much when creating space for farming . Because all so useless so you become the largest gold contributor to the enemy team.
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