
Itempedia Arena of Valor: Rankbreaker, Translucent Defense Opponent, Kill Quickly!

Various items of attack in the Arena of Valor have a variety of effects. Some of them give very large damage, but some also provide critical effects. Not only that, there is also an attack item with additional armor pierce effect to penetrate the enemy's physical defense. Item attack that has this ability is Rankbreaker. This item will provide a sizable armor pierce effect depending on the level as well as additional physical attack and movement speed tablets. Is it so great? Let's check the following info.

Itempedia Arena of Valor: Rankbreaker, Tembus Pertahanan Lawan, Bunuh dengan Cepat!


Itempedia Arena of Valor: Rankbreaker, Tembus Pertahanan Lawan, Bunuh dengan Cepat!

+100 Physical ATK
+ 10% Cooldown reduction

Unique Passive - Windwalk: Increases 10% movement speed while leaving the fight.
Unique Passive - Break: increase armor pierce by (100 + hero level x 10). That is, at level 15, your hero can give you a 250 pierce armor.

Item Requirement

Itempedia Arena of Valor: Rankbreaker, Tembus Pertahanan Lawan, Bunuh dengan Cepat!

2 Short Sword + 330 Gold = Astral Spear
Astral Spear + Chain Hammer + Magic Ring + 350 Gold = Rankbreaker

Total item cost: 2060 Gold

The stat addition of Rankbreaker is very good for creating hero that rely on physical attack able to produce higher damage. In addition, its cooldown reduction also helps the owner to use more skill. Plus additional movement speed when leaving the fight will be very useful to run faster when there is teamfight, if the hero position too far so it can help in the right moment.

Tips on Buying Rankbreaker

Most heroes with high burst damage such as Violet, Joker, or Butterfly often purchase this item, especially when faced with many hard tank heroes like Xeniel, Thane, and Chaugnar. In addition to making the hero tank more tender, Rankbreaker also makes hero can destroy the turret faster.

However, this item may be replaced with other damage-enhancing items if the enemy's enemy tank is only 1 in order to maximize damage to the enemy's enemy heroes. In addition, this item is also less recommended for use by heroes who rely on basic attack with high speed like Tel'annas or Slimmz. Both of these heroes will be more effective when using Fenrir Tooth items for the damage they produce can be more painful.

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