
Latest Update Dota 2 Give Teaser Event Kill Eater?

Dota 2 updates later became more frequent. This is none other than the initiation done by Icefrog to make Dota more interesting and challenging. This more frequent update will certainly make Dota more varied and so not so.

Update Dota 2 Terbaru Beri Teaser Event Kill Eater?

Well, recently Dota re-released the latest update on March 20, 2018 yesterday. Update this time is still as usual, presenting general materials such as changes in hero, fixing Dota Plus system and various other changes. But in this March 20 update, there is one thing that is quite intriguing. Of the many updates that occur in an update called 'Kill Eater Event Updates'. I do not know what the purpose of this section update, but most likely is Dota seems to be the presence of a new event called Kill Eater.

For those of you who have been playing Dota for a long time, you may realize that Valve now rarely presents exciting events in Dota 2. If at least at least every time enter a particular season, Dota must present a limited event that makes more exciting. For example just like the Frostivus event to welcome the winter, Wraith Night to welcome Skeleton King racing so Wraith King, Year Beast to welcome the Chinese New Year, or the oldest event, Diretide, organized to welcome the Halloween holiday. But unfortunately for some reason from that moment Dota spelled rarely held an in-game event. Finally, they had held frostivus 2017, the enthusiasm also less because one thing and another thing that happened.

Update Dota 2 Terbaru Beri Teaser Event Kill Eater?

Seeing from the Kill Eater update included in update Dota 2 on March 20, 2018, we still can not predict much what the event will be presented. One tickling may be Valve's attempt to avoid the term 'Minion' and replace it so 'Creep' so the community is not triggered because it looks like a game next door.

With the presence of this content in the update Dota 2 dated March 20, 2018, it seems this event will be present in the game Dota in the near future. Maybe it's April, either early or midmight. Whatever it is, surely we Dota fans hope that this time the event is really massive and can give us a chance to gift a set item that is cool yes.

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