
How to Become Pro Jungler and Observer in Arena of Valor

Jungler and Observer are two types of roles (role) that exist in the game AOV (Arena of Valor). Both of these roles play a vital role in a team in order to achieve victory. Jungler is usually the one who gives the biggest damage per second (DPS), while the Observer is the one who organizes the macro of the team as a whole. Trivial errors of both roles, the impact will be felt in the course of the game.

In the AOV game, usually, Jungler and Observer will start the game side by side to finish off the forest creep quickly. This process is often referred to a leash. After all forest creeps have run out, normally Jungler has reached level 4 and the Observer reaches level 2. The combination of skills possessed by both roles should be enough to kidnap an unsightly opponent. That's why after the initial rotation jungling is completed, the ganking process can be done.


Questions that often arise, who is entitled to determine the direction and target of the gang? Is Jungler following the Observer movement? Or just the opposite? The answer is, both methods are nothing wrong. The Jungler follows the Observer or Observer follow Jungler both can be applied but must be adapted to the situation and conditions. There are at least two factors, the first choice of hero, the two objective options of the team.


Basically, Jungle hero can be filled by two types of heroes ie melee assassin or range archer. Both of these types definitely have different ways of playing. Hero melee tends to play aggressively, in and out of combat as efficiently as possible. While the hero range keeps the distance and look for a safe firing position. Obviously, if Jungler is filled by the archer, it is Jungler who must follow the Observer movement. If Jungler is filled with melee, then the Observer may be behind Jungler, with Jungler's record having a blurry skill.

Broadly speaking the objective of playing MOBA AOV is only two. Play teamfight or play tower. Playing teamfight means Jungler must follow the Observer because Jungler should not be kidnapped first. If Jungler to death first, it will be very difficult to win teamfight (lack of damage). While playing tower means you only focus on building enemies and avoid teamfight as much as possible. Under these conditions Jungler and the Observer just have to split up. The Observer's task here turns into a distraction or a disturbance of the opponent's movement.

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