
Hero Changelog Mobile Legends 1.2.64: New Rework Skill of Vexana and Alice

After the MPL game after some time ago as well as the time where the rank is reset, Mobile Legends finally make updates 'flea jump' on the official server. The reason is, the update provided has a fairly remote version of 1.2.56 to 1.2.64. This certainly brings quite a lot of changes like some of the changelogs in advanced servers before. Therefore, the WorldGames team will summarize any changes that occurred in this 1.2.64. Let's see more below.


Alice Rework

As previously informed, Alice gets rework from the effects of her skills and looks. In addition, she also gets a buff big enough so that it can balance the power of another hero mage.

Vexana buff Massively

Along with Alice, Vexana also gets a very large buff that makes her skill effect even more terrifying.

Hero Changelog


Abyss Walker: Additional attack speed increased from 20/28/36/42/48/54/60% to 20/30/40/50/60/70%.
Spear of Death: Mana cost down by 10.
Spear of Destruction: Base damage increases from 450/550/650 physical damage to 480/565/650 physical damage.


Master of Camouflage: Cooldown increased from 4 / 3.6 / 3.2 / 2.8 / 2.4 / 2 seconds to 5 / 4.4 / 3.8 / 3.2 / 2.6 / 2 seconds.
Lethal Shot: Gaining additional effects, each time getting a fixed number for additional physical penetration, Lesley will get the same amount as the critical rate (physical penetration in the form of percent get no effect).

Yi-Sun Shin

Heavenly Vow: Damage when using glaive increased from 120% to 135%.
Blood Floods: The camera effect increases. The longer the charge, the larger the camera area.
Changing Apocalypse Agent skin animation becomes more family friendly.


Shunpo: No longer get invincibility when used. The damage received when using Shunpo drops by 50% for 2 seconds.


Increase the number of rages automatically by 100% when in battle.


The HP base drops by 120.
Combat Ritual: Cooldown increased by 1 second.


Phantom Execution: Bonus damage drops from 2.1 physical attacks to 1.8 physical attacks. Eliminate knockback effect.


Phantomstep: Cooldown adjusted from 6.5 / 5.8 / 5.1 / 4.4 / 3.7 / 3 seconds to 6 / 5.4 / 4.8 / 4.2 / 3.6 / 3 seconds. Manacost drops from 40+ skill level x 10 to 45 + skill level x 5.


Sword Spike: Decreases the speed as it moves to the target.
Incandescence: Speeds as you move into the target area.
Shadowblade Slaughter: Decreases base damage by throwing 30 and 15 when back on max level.


Seimei Umbrella Open: Release range down by 10%. Slightly lowers the furthest distance that makes the umbrella go back to Kagura.


Howitzer: Radius increased by 15%.


Lore adjusted.


Spirit Contact: Radius damage increases by 50%. Optimization of special effects.


Heartguard: Now it can be cast instantly to instantly the hero of a close friend.


Smart Missiles: Rocket velocity is now increasing with the skill level. The higher the level skill the faster the rocket is launched.


Spawn Nightmaric: Base attack speed turret-derived rises slightly.


Dark Night Falls: Optimizing the display effect. Now teammates can see more clearly. Adjust the vision of the enemy affected by this skill effect from 3 yards to 3.5 yards.

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