
Scorching Wind: A New Jungle Item for Archer in Arena of Valor

Scorching Wind is one of the items added to Indonesia's AOV (Arena of Valor) game via patch update April 5, 2018. This item belongs to the jungling item category, which is ideal for use by remote attack-based hero archers. Previously we have known at least 3 jungle items such as Leviathan (ideal for warrior), Soulreaver (ideal for assassin), and Loki's Curse (ideal for mage). At that time the archers still had time to succeed when Soulreaver has not received adjustment effects.


Seeing the dominance of the archer jungler is overly imba with Soulreaver, this item finally adjusted again so that more optimal if used by hero-type melee type. Since the patch, the dominance of the archer jungler seemed to diminish. But be prepared, because this will not last long. Scorching Wind is now present, this item will give effect to its users as follows:

Scorching Wind: Item Jungle Baru di Arena of Valor yang Bakal Manjain para Archer!

+ 20% Attack Speed
Attack speed or attack speed is a vital attribute for an archer. As a hero that plays a role in damaging the opponent, the damage per second (DPS) you generate will be even greater if you have a faster attack.

+ 10% Life Steal
Life steal or the ability to suck blood through an attack, is certainly very helpful to archers while doing a farm, especially on creep-creep neutral who have attacks and high defense. With the bonus stat, you can finish off more creep without having to go back to the base to fill the blood.

+ 15 Physical Attack
Physical attack or physical attack must be a fundamental thing that affects the strength of the archers attack. An additional 15 points on the status may look small, but it still affects the resulting DPS, especially with the additional bonus attack speed earlier.

Passive: Seek and Destroy
Increases attack speed by 2% per Creep Forest killed. Stacks up to 15 times. Well, there is a bonus attack speed stat, and still can be added to stacks attack speed of the results you kill creep forest. Guaranteed your attacks will be faster!

Passive: Hunter
Increases 30% extra damage to the Forest Creep and receives 30% more experience than the creeps of the killed forest. Just like other jungle items, Scorching Winds will give more bonuses for junglers to make farming faster and more efficient.

Passive: Firestorm
Normal Attack will mark the target. Each sign raises additional (18+ Hero * 0.5) magic damage (75% for long range attacks). Stack up to 6 times. Here it is! Guaranteed to make the attacks of the archer will increasingly sick, because the source of damage is not only physical but also magic!

Scorching Wind: Item Jungle Baru di Arena of Valor yang Bakal Manjain para Archer!

Not all archers in AOV are ideal using Scorching Winds. Some archers like Joker and Violet more rely on skill poke that is burst damage. But names like Yorn, Slimz, Moren, will certainly turn into a killing machine if it is able to optimize this item.

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